We, the Auburn Grace Chinese Christian Church (AUGCCC), are a group of born-again, bible-believing Christians who have the same goal of using our mother language (Chinese) to study God’s word, worship Him, and to bring the Gospel to our fellow Chinese in the Great Auburn area. 我们,奥本恩典华人基督教会,是一群重生的、相信圣经的基督徒,有着相同的目标,即使用我们的母语(中文)来学习神的话语,敬拜上帝,并将福音带给我们在大奥本地区的中国同胞 (奥本中文查经班到奥本恩典华人基督教会的40多年)。 教会成员申请表和Waiver Form。教会成员制信息。 教会场地使用管理政策。
AUGCCC Bylaw: We declare and establish these bylaws to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the body in an orderly manner. These bylaws will preserve the liberties of each individual group member and the freedom of action of this body in relation to other Christian organizations. Church Statement of Faith is given here. 我们宣布并制定这些章程是为了维护和确保我们的信仰原则, 并以此章程有序地来规范和治理本教会。 此章程将保护每个教会成员的自由以及本教会与其他基督教组织采取相关行动的自由 。该教会的《信仰宣言》。
AUGCCC Board of Deacons: It consists of five to seven deacons, and the Board of Elder-Deacons includes pastor(s) and elder(s). The Board of Elders-Deacons/Deacons is responsible for the discipline, general management, operations, activities, and affairs of AUGCCC. 执事会由三到七名执事组成, 长执会包括牧师, 长老和执事。 长执会/执事会负责奥本恩典华人基督教会的纪律, 一般管理, 运营, 各项事工,和事务 (查经,祷告会,团契,主日敬拜,宣教)。
The Board of Elder-Deacons/Deacons shall establish a church advisory council to meet the church’s needs. The council members shall be pastors or elders from other Christian churches who sincerely care about the healthy development of AUGCCC. The council consists of three to five members. 长执会/执事会依教会需要设定教会顾问委员会。顾问委员会成员应由真诚关心奥本恩典华人基督教会健康发展的其他基督教会的牧师或长老组成。
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